Elm Street Presbyterian Church

April 11, 2003

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It’s funny that today, on Palm Sunday, we are so joyful and shout "Hosanna" from the rooftops and then in five days we turn around with anger, perhaps even jealousy, and scream "Crucify him." That is our biblical story. It is also the nature of our fickle humanity. We easily stand in support of an idea or person when it is safe. How quickly the tides can turn… how quickly we can get swept up into an undercurrent. When popular opinion can change course by a few strong voices, we must accept that we have been fickle and we can see how quickly our strong stance turns to weak knees.

Taking a deeply grounded stance on issues can be dangerous. It may mean we go against what our neighbors believe… even our neighbors around the world. In regard to the war that is continuing in Iraq, I have heard so many journalist ask the question, "How are other countries around the world viewing America engaging in this war?" As a Christian, I find this perplexing. Should we be concerned about popular opinion around the world? Is this a Christ-like question? I would like for people to begin asking, "What is God’s opinion of the war?" I am still struggling to discover the answer to that very question. However, I am concerned that, as the body of Christ, we may never really listen for God’s answer if we get wrapped up in the same mob mentality that occurred one Good Friday a long time ago.

We must make continued and concentrated efforts to sit in the presence of God and listen. We must understand on a deep level that God calls us together as God’s people to pray together. We are to call on God’s name together and ask for wisdom, discernment, and healing for our fickle nature. Do we have the courage to stand firmly against the "normal flow?" I believe we will have the courage and the strength when we gather together under the protection of God.

May the peace of Christ be with you!

With much love,

Rev. Nicole Richardson


Rev. Nicole Richardson