Elm Street Presbyterian Church

March 7, 2003

Pastor's Corner

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Lenten season is upon us once more. God gives us six weeks to reflect upon our human nature before we celebrate God's love and power in the resurrection of our Lord. It seems quite appropriate for us, at this time, to contemplate humanity's capacity to be inhumane to one another. As we face the prospects of war it is essential that we mull over what it means to battle, harm, or kill other human beings. What are the motivations behind our actions? Are these motivations grounded in God and what God calls us to be? What does it mean to fight for justice and mercy? Are we working toward God's justice and mercy?

And though the aspects of war loom over us, it is not only war that we must contemplate our actions. What others ways are we creating an atmosphere where our inhumanity lives? How do we kill. . .not just the physical body, but the spirit of others? Do we harm with our words? Are our battles with each other Godly battles?

This Lenten time is a gift. God provides us a space to reflect upon and accept that we all are people who battle, harm, and kill our fellow human beings. And in this time God also opens God's arms in hopes that we will repent...return...to God's loving embrace. It seems fitting to put on sack cloth and ashes now. . . but only for awhile...

Peace and love to you,

Rev. Nicole Richardson