Elm Street Presbyterian Church

November 8, 2002

Pastor's Corner

Dear Friends,

We are soon approaching the busiest time of the year. Thanksgiving will be here in a flash. Right on its heels will be the Advent season making itself known. Before we know it, we will blink and Christmas will be over. We will be busy, busy, busy...hardly aware of the passing of time.

Brothers and sisters, my hope is that before these last couple of months get away from us without us even noticing, we will make a concerted effort to plan some time to be still. As we stop the activity we may notice an uncomfortable feeling...an uneasiness from the quietness. But don't run from it. Something special can happen there in the small space of inactivity. So often it is difficult for us to perceive, let alone hear God if we are so occupied with hustle and bustle.

I encourage everyone to remind yourself and those around you of the importance of being still. God may make God known to you and to us in new and profound ways, leading us on a path we have never been. I am certain we would not want to be separated from our children in a shopping mall. Likewise, I hope that we would not want to be separated from God and go this journey alone. In order to see where God is leading us we must be alert...pausing from our harried moments.

So, let us be truly thankful in our hearts and minds for all of our blessings and challenges. Let us anticipate with joy the marvelous works of God. May this ending of another year be a true beginning to anew branch of our journey with each other and God.


Peace and love,

Rev. Nicole Richardson