Four Presbyterian Church Parish

Study & Fun
Pastor's Corner
Four Church Parish

Kickoff for 2007: Monday Mar. 19 -details later. This year the dates will be July 29 through Aug. 3rd.

2006 Vacation Bible School

The four churches held the 2006 VBS at Elm Street July 23 to July 28. We registered 88 different youth.

Son Treasure Island Evaluation

1. I worked in: A) Registration, B) Music, C) Music, D) Crafts, E.)Bible Stories, F) Snacks & Registration, G) Snacks, Crafts, "At Large", H) Crew Leader.
2. Were the instructions in the station leader manual clear and easy to follow? All said yes or not applicable. Only Snacks said they had to make changes.
3. What did you like best about your station? What did the kids like best?
A. Nobody liked this station (Registration)- didn't want to take time to register- including parents.
B. The music in this curriculum was much better than most!
C. Was easy.
D. Everyone enjoyed making the crafts. We could never predict what they would like . . Apparently, making key chains was a big hit.
E. I liked that we only had to learn one lesson really well because a different person had the lead each night. I think the kids really liked interacting with the story teller. It made them a part of the lesson, rather than just listening.
F. Liked the people.
G. Kids were having FUN- a great motivator to come back!
H. Did not do station. Kids liked the crafts.
4. What would you change about your station?
A. Since I had to keep track of attendance also, (which we did previously in the classes) we should have one person do this only- Would set up registration in our downstairs or education building and then send to sanctuary.
B. Crew leaders could minimize talking/moving around during singing.
C. Nothing ..
D. Better rotation with Pre-K. Didn't plan well enough to include. them and was. very crowded during last session.
E. 0lder ones sometimes finished their (Bible Stories) worksheets before younger ones. Needed them to maybe go back to sit on the floor and talk about the lesson, rather than goofing off.-Just a little more organization.
F. Not let the children make/decorate their snacks. Not enough time.
G. Have Pre-K cqme at predetermined time; or work rotation so that they come with smaller sized older group to crafts.
H. Did not do a station.
5. What did you really like about the VBS program as a whole from what you observed?
A. Everyone's enthusiasm.
B. The skits really ended up being a real point of interest for the kids each night. This is an important feature to attend to well.
C. The activities seemed easy for the kids.
D. Good cooperation between volunteers. Skits were a big hit.
E. SKITS! The kids were really into it each night. The players were great!!
F. Kids REALLY got into music, crafts, skits, daily challenges and had a GREAT TIME!
G. The KIDS!!
H. Enjoyed watching how the children got into all the activities- they really had a great time.

The Webmaster needs more detail on attendance/source of students/etc..